The film takes place 300 years after the events of war and follows a young chimpanzee named noa, who embarks on a journey alongside a human woman named mae to determine the future for apes and humans alike. This new movie promises to be just as exciting as the previous ones, with plenty of action and adventure to keep viewers entertained.
The latest entry in the ape saga has revealed a runtime of 145 minutes (via bbfc), officially earning the crown for the longest planet of the apes movie ever made. Kingdom of the planet of the apes 2024 release in the us kingdom of the planet of the apes 2024 hits theaters on.
Stream 'Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes' And Watch Online.
Kingdom of the planet of the apes.
As A New Tyrannical Ape Leader Builds His Empire, One Young Ape Undertakes A Harrowing Journey That Will Cause Him To Question All That He Has Known About The Past And To Make Choices That Will Define A Future For Apes And Humans Alike.
Kingdom of the planet of the apes is a direct sequel to war for the planet of the apes but takes place centuries after caesar’s death.
Images References :
Wes Ball’s The Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes Moves The World Of The 2010S Apes Trilogy Multiple Generations Of Apes Into The Future.
Director wes ball breathes new life into the global, epic franchise set several generations in the future following caesar’s reign, in which apes are the dominant species living harmoniously and humans have been reduced to living in the shadows.
Know About Film Reviews, Lead Cast &Amp; Crew, Photos &Amp; Video Gallery On Bookmyshow.
Kingdom of the planet of the apes is slated for release on may 10, and will be looking to kick off the summer with a box office blockbuster that clocks in with a runtime of 145 minutes on.